University of Illinois System
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Student Financial Responsibility

All students are expected to view their student account online for recent activity and to pay any amount due by the due date. Once a month, the University of Illinois emails students and Authorized Payers, reminding them of their student financial responsibility. Failure to receive or read University email notifications, to access student account and other available information, or to read and comply with University regulations does not release students from their financial responsibility or the financial penalties they incur.

Course Withdrawal

Students must officially drop courses by the established deadlines posted on their university’s Registration website to qualify for a refund or removal of charges. Failure to attend class after registering does not release students from their obligation to pay the course tuition and fee charges assessed to their student account. Withdrawing from a course after the official add/drop deadline will not reduce tuition charges assessed for that course. Failure or refusal to pay does not release students from their financial responsibility for assessed tuition and fees.


Room 162 (MC 367)
Henry Administration Bldg.
506 South Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Phone (217) 333-2180


Room 1900 (MC 073)
Student Services Bldg.
1200 West Harrison Street
Chicago, Illinois 60607
Phone (312) 996-8574


Room 1001
University Hall Building
One University Plaza
Springfield, Illinois 62703
Phone (217) 206-6727

Payment Address

University of Illinois Payment Center
Student A/R
28393 Network Place
Chicago, IL 60673-1283

Do NOT send scholarship checks to this address. See Scholarship Payments section of our website for more information.

Please give us your feedback on this website.