University of Illinois System
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College Illinois!

College Illinois! is a 529 Prepaid Tuition Program that allows families to pay for tuition and mandatory fees at current rates in order to avoid future tuition inflation. Students are responsible for all other charges such as refundable fees, housing, meals, printing, etc. For information about tuition and mandatory and refundable fees, students are encouraged to visit their Registrar website: Urbana-ChampaignChicago or Springfield.

Students must notify the University of their intent to use College Illinois! benefits by submitting a completed online authorization form. 


Your College Illinois! Account

Your College Illinois! account includes a specific number of tuition credit hours and mandatory fee payments. Each semester of a College Illinois! plan is the equivalent of 15 credit hours and one mandatory fee payment. For example, if your parent purchased an 8 semester plan, your account contains 120 credit hours and 8 mandatory fee payments. Your College Illinois! account is maintained by the actual number of credit hours enrolled. Therefore, if you enroll for 18 credit hours, College Illinois! will deduct 18 hours from your account, not 15. This means that if you repeatedly enroll for 16 or more credit hours per semester, your account will be depleted faster than if you enrolled for 15 or less.


At Urbana-Champaign and Chicago, tuition is assessed by range not credit hour. These tuition ranges do not apply to your College Illinois! account. Therefore, if you enroll for 18 credit hours, College Illinois! will deduct 18 credit hours from your account even though Urbana-Champaign and Chicago will assess the same tuition charge as if you had enrolled for 12 credit hours.

If you are in a situation where the University's range tuition assessment leaves you with insufficient prepaid tuition benefits to cover your final semester, the account owner may write ISAC/College Illinois! at that time to request that the last semester intended to be covered by College Illinois! be paid by the program.

Scholarships Refunds

If you receive financial aid (scholarship, grant, waiver, etc.) that covers all or part of your tuition and/or fees, University of Illinois will submit a bill to College Illinois! for the reduced amount of tuition and fees not covered by that financial aid. Scholarship refunds can be requested each semester you receive this type of aid. The account owner must request this refund by downloading the Scholarship Refund Form from the College Illinois! website. Documentation of the scholarship and confirmation of your enrollment for that term must also be sent with the Scholarship Refund Form to College Illinois!. Refunds are always issued to the account owner. A scholarship refund request must be submitted each term in order to confirm your receipt of the scholarship for that term.

Mandatory Fees

One mandatory fee payment is deducted from your College Illinois! account for each semester you authorize us to bill College Illinois! for fees. College Illinois! considers a prepaid tuition account to be depleted at the point where no tuition credit hours remain for the student to use. Generally, any fee terms remaining on a student's account are not associated with a specific value or benefit available for the student to use. As a result, unused fee payments will not be refunded to you by College Illinois! after you exhaust your tuition credit hours.

Student Insurance

Student health insurance is covered by College Illinois! when using a Fee Unit.  If you provide proof of comparable coverage and get the fee waived, you will not receive a monetary refund of the fee. The exemption process and deadlines vary by campus. For more information about the health insurance waiver process, please visit Bursar Top Questions.

Study Abroad

If you study abroad, College Illinois! will pay the amount equal to the undergraduate tuition and mandatory fees charged if you were attending courses on campus. If the actual number of credit hours earned may not be determined until after the semester ends, or the credit earned varies from the University of Illinois' normal course credits, College Illinois! will deduct 15 credit hours from your account.

Graduate/Professional School

College Illinois! benefits may be used to pay for graduate/professional tuition and fees. However, College Illinois! will only pay up to the undergraduate base tuition and mandatory fee rate charged for a new student for the current academic year.

Dropping Classes

The University is required to bill College Illinois! for the number of credit hours students are enrolled in each semester as of the last date to drop classes with 100% tuition refund. If a student reduces enrollment after this date, College Illinois! will not reduce the number of credit hours deducted from the student's College Illinois! account. For campus specific last dates to drop classes with 100% refund, please log into the College Illinois! section of the Student Self-Service website by following the instructions below, and review the dates listed in the "DROPPING CLASSES" paragraph.

Discontinue Using College Illinois! Benefits

To discontinue using your College Illinois! benefits while enrolled at the above campus, you must email on or after the Authorization Acceptance Date listed above for that semester. Then if you wish to resume using your College Illinois! benefits for subsequent semester(s), you must log into this website on or after the Authorization Acceptance Date listed below for that semester and submit a new Authorization.

Additional Information

For more detailed information about using your College Illinois! benefits, please refer to the "Using Benefits" page.

  • For specific information about your College Illinois! account balance, benefits, eligibility, etc., please contact College Illinois! Customer Service at 1-877-877-3724, option 2.
  • For specific information about your UIC, UIS or UIUC student account as it relates to billing and payment of College Illinois! benefits, please email using subject line "College Illinois!".
  • For general information about College Illinois! benefits, please visit the College Illinois! website.

Authorization Acceptance Dates

Following are the dates the University of Illinois will begin accepting Authorizations for the semesters indicated. Please do not submit this Authorization for a future semester prior to its Authorization Acceptance Date. If you do, your Authorization will not be retained.

Semester Authorization Acceptance Date Authorization Deadline
Summer May 15 August 1
Fall July 15 January 3
Spring December 15 May 1


Room 162 (MC 367)
Henry Administration Bldg.
506 South Wright Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Phone (217) 333-2180


Room 1900 (MC 073)
Student Services Bldg.
1200 West Harrison Street
Chicago, Illinois 60607
Phone (312) 996-8574


Room 1001
University Hall Building
One University Plaza
Springfield, Illinois 62703
Phone (217) 206-6727

Payment Address

University of Illinois Payment Center
Student A/R
28393 Network Place
Chicago, IL 60673-1283

Do NOT send scholarship checks to this address. See Scholarship Payments section of our website for more information.

Please give us your feedback on this website.